Sounds like revolution

iyeoka okoawo

Un choc! Un moment de pure poésie; une force expressive d’une intensité rare. Cette femme s’appelle Iyeoka Okoawo. La “chanson” s’intitule Sounds like revolution. Les paroles sont retranscrites sous la vidéo.

We play, follow the leader
Hoping to learn something we never knew.
They say
One Two Three redlights
So we stop believing the green will come for you
So you wait and we wait for the red to
Somehow disappear…
And we stand so paralized by these
times that predictS our greatest fears
But deep inside you know you gotta go
You hear
echoes of revolution
Lingering in the air
This counts for more than just being alive
Being alive
More than step aside waiting for the green to take you there

So rise my friends take my hand
lets all go to this promise land
Pick up a pen
make your demands
tell them how freedom can reign again
unchain your voices sing me a song
that will live on and on long after we’re gone
songs like


I’ll sing u a song powerful and fearless
twisted enough to throw silence down your throat
and crack on your higher notes
I’ll sing you a song and teach you how to turn it around
and build it back to the idea in which it came from

These are manisfestation of truth
translating trouble day dreams
into effortless sermons of perfect night vision
I’ll sing you a song that tells you nothing like lullabys
of warning labels
Will look nothing like multiple choices
Will sound like nothing like pointless prepositions put there for
the purpose of control in you and waisting your hard earned precious

pending time
I’m searching for words in poems that wont confuse you
That will confirm elements of life you already know.
I want to give you a testemony that tells you
That everybodys gonna get there eventually
Maybe not where you are
but close enough for them to see the promise land

I’m searching for words in a poem that wont make you see higher
or further or make you think too differently from what you already
thought was an epiphany
a path and obvious and inevitable argueble truth
We want magic and bounds and billion of dollars that lasts forever
We want to discover our demons dressed them in white
twist their soul on a pedestal and turn them back into angels
We want drama and high speed risk
We want to live our days in the echo of adrenaline high and
testosterone trips
without  the side effects of impotence and weakness

George Bush who wants to win the war without the protest
the bad press and the death tolls
You want to fire your guns without the risk of hitting innocent bystanders

We want to survive without the test the tricks, the false hope
the self help books
the pop
the rock
and the hip hop videos
We want to survive without the journals and the diaries
and the reality tv shows
as if the shit in our lives aint real enough

Wall Street
you want all your stocks to rise
You want to pull out in just the right time
And ladies
You want to invest in that sure thing right?
You need him to exist somewhere
I think I’ve found him but know I’m still waiting to exhale
I want him to wake me up before the last dawn of the summer time
thrust to the waves
pass the motion of rip tide
just so we both can see the sun rise (and the ribbon?)
and the cloudless sky

The simple things I want to make my father proud
and my mother understand because they know I chose right this time

You see its quiter than sleep
And this is the stuff in life that can make you believe
Thats just one turn westward can fast forward all your desires
and dreams
into this clear as day reality
I know the world has never been that easy
But consider the choice of slowing down
to let the air stuck in this moment run

These are unchained voices
singing you songs of familiar melodies
teaching you how to hit that note above and beyond Middle C
And your baritone singing background vocals
songs full of lala’s and do re’s
Put there for purpose filling in the blank beats and melody created
and the tag says
right NOW
Showing you the simple ways to see through all the colours of

unsolved rubiks cube
Reconfirming elements of life that you already know
Sing me a song full of false start and flat notes
and broken bridges
and teach me how to turn it around
And we will sing those songs
and resusitates our society
through hard beats that justify humanity
collectively critally cross culturally
A song that teaches us
That reminds us how
how to just breathe
just breathe


Sounds like revolution
